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Don’t eat that! A breakdown of recent health trends…


Knowing you need to eat healthy is easy, but executing the act can be difficult.  


Really, really difficult.  


Are eggs currently “in,” or what? What about grains and gluten even if you don’t have an intolerance or allergy? Then there are organic products, plus juicing and things like keto that throw your body into cycles that are supposed to “bust fast,” break sugar addictions and help you lose weight fast.  


This comedy of a video made by the infamous Funny or Die team breaks down the diet fads of the past 40 years and how health experts continually change their opinion on what is considered “healthy.” The always-changing recommendations even require those involved in the health industry to pursue continuing education to ensure the information they share is not just the most recent fad but also based in science and guaranteed to be beneficial for your health.  


Let’s see how the evolution of a few key foods has changed in the last few generations. 




The video highlights the late 1970s-1980s crusade against eggs due to the concern that the cholesterol contained in the egg (or the yolk) was detrimental to health.  


However, as time has shown, there was no need to steer clear of eggs for their perceived risk. Eggs are actually one of the most nutritious foods on the planet. Eggs are loaded with vitamins, minerals, high-quality protein, good fats and various other lesser-known nutrients. In addition, eggs are loaded with protein and essential amino acids.  


A new study published in the journal Heart suggests that eating eggs may even have a protective effect. People who reported eating up to one egg per day had an 11% lower risk of developing heart disease—and an 18% lower risk of dying from it—over the following nine years than those who did not eat eggs. They also had a 26% lower risk of having a hemorrhagic stroke.  


The verdict is in: eggs are good! 


Red meat 


The next major dietary concern centered around red meat. From steaks to hamburgers, people were told that their risk of heart attacks or a higher risk of cancer would exponentially increase with eat bite. While it doesn’t pack the nutritional punch of eggs, it is not necessary to cut out all red meat from your diet. Just like all foods, it’s important to eat red meat in moderation. Some red meat contains high levels of saturated fats, which can lead to an increased risk of heart disease, but it also assumes that you are eating large quantities of these meats.  


If you choose to eat red meat, it is recommended that you choose lean cuts, reduce portion sizes limit it to several times a week. 




You may remember a recent phenomenon of “eat like a caveman” where the idea was only to eat things that were available when our ancient ancestors walked the earth. This means no processed foods or common staples like bread. 


However, is bread really the cause of all our modern-day health woes? 


While refined grain products can lead it weight gain, not all grain products can be automatically labeled as “bad.” Grains have played a major role in human history, and grain agriculture is one of the main advancements that fueled the development of civilization. Whereas refined grains are nutrient poor, this is not true of whole grains. Whole grains tend to be high in many nutrients, including fiber, B vitamins, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, manganese and selenium. Just like red meat, eating whole grains in moderation is part of a healthy diet.  


Diet fads are nothing new; however, it can be difficult to determine what is trendy and what truly healthy. Here in Carrollton, TX we’ve the opportunity to have access to healthy foods and have the resources available to help everyone make the best nutritional decision.  

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